Saturday, September 3, 2011

old Oil Lamps

old Oil Lamps

Oil lamps are one of, I think, the greatest inventions ever. Sure it seems like a easy and primitive device, but it also was the main provider of something we all have to have so we don't run into walls or trip and break things we all need, Light.

Antique Oil lamps predate prehistory and have always been used as a source of light. Oil lamps today are primarily used for alternative crisis lighting and mood setters. Other people secure ancient oil lamps.

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There are some types of fuel that are used with oil lamps. You've got olive oil that was the main fuel in the Western nations; people also used extracts like fish oil, nuts, plants, and petroleum. Egyptians were known to use castor oil and India was known to use sesame oil, peanut, or mustard.

Up until around the 3rd c. Bc, oil lamps were made using the crude potter's wheel. After that Greece and Egypt introduced to the world the use of molds to generate their oil lamps. That was the former way to generate oil lamps up until the 8th century Ad.

Although oil lamps were primarily used for light, they also served for funerary and votive purposes. Oil lamps also played leading roles in religion. Oil lamps bared a important role in Christianity as lighting the way for the righteous and often buried with dead to light the way for the soul to the hereafter. In India, oil lamps were often kept lit while marriages to keep the evil away.

This being said, if you are able to secure an ancient oil lamp you are most likely also inheriting a rich history of culture from where it derived. It can give understanding into the culture and communal status of the previous owner or owners. Its nice having things of the old to reflect on and learn from.

old Oil Lamps

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